On track to set nearly 1,000 meetings per month

  • “Workflows and FormComplete are a tremendous part of our execution. We’re able to engage with prospects as close to in-real-time as possible and when their problems are most relevant.”

  • Chris Anzalone Co-Founder of DemandCapture


DemandCapture, a New York-based technology company, is a leading provider of sales and marketing solutions designed to help businesses maximize their revenue potential. Leveraging advanced technology, data-driven insights, intent data capabilities, and human ingenuity, DemandCapture empowers organizations to effectively engage their target audiences, optimize lead generation efforts, and accelerate sales growth. DemandCapture was born out of a vision to create a revenue-generating stopgap between technology and service.

Industry: Software


The founding partners of DemandCapture set out on a mission to eliminate appointment setting as a service, and instead focus on capturing the engagement and of in-market prospects. They had worked with a number of data providers to access account and contact-level data based on content consumption, buying behaviors, and intent signals. They would then use their Vision Deep Learning Intent Algorithm to run complex analysis on the data to identify patterns across multiple buying signals, but pieces of their tech puzzle were still missing: automation that would enable the team to take action at scale.

“We were pulling from multiple data sources, but recognized early on that we were missing the real time intent metrics and automation to actually make the data actionable,” shared Chris Anzalone, Co-Founder of DemandCapture. In order to deliver on the goal of providing a quality experience for Mid Market and Enterprise technology sales teams, DemandCapture needed to find a way to connect with sales-ready prospects at exactly the right time.


Through the relationship built with ZoomInfo’s sales team, DemandCapture was introduced to MarketingOS as the missing puzzle piece of their tech stack. The automation provided in the platform allowed the team to connect with engaged prospects at a much faster and higher-quality rate.

“We like to say that we deliver problem-aware, solution seeking prospects while they’re in-market. I think the specific timing was the piece that we were missing, and that’s really what ZoomInfo is able to provide for us” states Anzalone. “When working with such a large data set, you can unlock new possibilities when your data streams in real-time, and that’s exactly what MarketingOS allows us to do.”

The DemandCapture team builds their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) within the MarketingOS platform using Targeted Audiences, giving them the ability to minimize targeting inefficiencies and customize segments. As Audiences are set, MarketingOS’s Intent data enables the DemandCapture Vision Algorithm to prioritize engagement and reach out to warm prospects almost immediately upon signaling significant buying behavior. Intent provides greater visibility into the accounts with the highest likelihood to buy, and according to Forrester research, being the first vendor to engage a prospect and guide the solution evaluation process results in a 74% win rate.

Even more, by setting up Workflows, the DemandCapture team now automates their process in order to scale their entire go-to-market motion. “Workflows and FormComplete are a tremendous part of our execution. We’re able to engage with prospects as close to in-real-time as possible and when their problems are most relevant,” comments Anzalone. Workflows enable the DemandCapture’s team to automate their plays based on buying signals, decrease time spent on research, and qualify more leads effectively.

Likewise, with FormComplete, the details of a warm lead aren’t lost on an abandoned form. The ability to strike while the iron is hot has made lead conversion a daily reality for the team who are on track to set nearly 1000 meetings per month with an organization-wide cancel rate of less than 5%.


With this innovative process in place, DemandCapture is sprinting ahead of its competitors. “The automation that Workflows provides on the backend helps us be really effective on the frontend. We are extremely proud of our consistent 90-second SLA with prospects who’s buying signals break our algorithms’ predetermined threshold,” shared Anzalone. On the whole, the company has experienced exponential revenue growth month over month, and expects that this will continue to grow with time. And while these metrics consider the entire tech stack in play, MarketingOS will continue to serve as a key component in DemandCapture’s winning game.